On February 13, 2023, I met with the Oran Mutual Telephone Company board seeking support and sponsorship to sustain the history of the Oran Community well beyond my capacity. I’m grateful for their vision and support of this website. They continue to be generous supporters of the Oran Community.

Oran history has always had a special place in my heart. Long ago an envelope of 1920’s school photos was mailed to the Oran Post Office hoping they would be of value to the local community. I became the recipient of those photos. I continued to be gifted historical photos, memorabilia and given the opportunity to scan private collections. I feared the loss of photos, stories and memories when I was no longer able to care for them. Years ago my son, Rod, suggested a website to share my collection online but it was beyond my skill set. I published “All About Oran - School History” in 2018, but there was so much more to share. Website technology improved and in January of 2023, I hired a teacher to train me in website design. Within a month, I had created the website and 30 pages had been created. It’s an ongoing process, as I continue to add and revise more historical content derived from local community members, documents and newspapers. Although, you’ll find occasional conflicts, the information has been researched when possible.

Connie Fasse Wedemeier

Aerial photos taken by Larry Wedemeier from the top of Youngblut Elevator grain bins in the mid to late 1970’s.