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Prisoner Art Leistikow left Oran for military service on April 9, 1941. He received his training at Camp Claiborne, Louisiana. He was then at Camp Dix in New Jersey. From there he was sent overseas. He saw action in Africa, Sicily and Italy. He was taken prisoner on February 17, 1943. In June of 1943 word was received by his mother, Mrs. Carl Leistikow of Monona, that her son was liberated from a German prison camp.

In a letter to the editor (Waterloo Courier) Fred Burns recalled military service at the time of John F. Kennedy’s assassination. He was an army pilot in an aviation company supporting First Corps Artillery in South Korea. They went to the highest alert status, moved into field positions with all weapons loaded and ready. It was three days before they learned why. He believed military units all over the world had a similar experience.

1942 Leo Reith, Harold Schroeder, Bob Maricle