Rundle Trucking

Richard Rundle Trucking vehicle is parked at the Oran Creamery. It’s speculation that the man standing is Dick Rundle. The truck appears to be loaded with blocks of ice. The photo is from the Dennis Dilley collection. Other photo’s in that collection were taken in mid to late 1920’s.

1972 Rundle Trucking Sale Ad: Registered Amsoy ‘71 Soy Bean Seed

1976 Rundle Trucking Farm Ad: Lasso E.C. at $12.60 a gallon and Aatrea 8- at $2.55 lb. Full line of chemical and Swift fertilizer at early discount prices.

Many local youth reminisce riding in the back and forth to detasseling fields in the back of Dick’s cattle truck.

The matchbook cover was purchased on Ebay in January of 2023.