Bars, Taverns, Pool & Dance Halls

Louie & Vincent Reith’s Bar

Louie Reith built a pool hall with a dance hall upstairs. Frank Fettkether ran it. Later Horace Reith operated a barber shop in the building. Herman Pearl indicated it was built by August Harms with no nails in the main structure. It was possibly the first bar in Oran. During dances on the second story, the floor moved up and down and the ends of the building swayed sideways. A transom window in the first floor dance hall would break if it wasn’t opened during dances. Rent for the dance hall was two dollars. There were many fights and people would get thrown down the stairs. Mr. Peters from Fairbank had six sons and one daughter. They were talented musicians who played many instruments and often played at the dance hall. In later years, Mrs. Peters played a piano for her 98th birthday.

Later the building was remodeled and strengthened by Leonard Lorber.

Tony Schmit, Vincent Reith & Horace Reith

Prior to 1948 this building housed Reith’s Tavern, pool hall and dance hall. Later it was the location of Schellhorn egg produce, Russell’s TV and apartments. The building on the right at one time housed a barber shop.