White Pearl Cafe and Bailey’s Cafe
5062 Main St.

1909 A livery stable was built by Francis Nichols. It was later the location of the White Pearl Cafe/Bailey’s Cafe.

1947.09.27 Mr. and Mrs. Herman Pearl started working Monday morning on the cafe they are building on Main St across from Lorber’s Store.

1947.11.21 Oelwein Register ran an ad for the White Pearl Cafe opening on Sat. Nov. 22. (See Oelwein Register newspaper clipping)

1947.11.25 J. Herman Pearl opened his new cafe at Oran Saturday morning. It has been named the White Pearl and all visitors to the grand opening were treated to coffee, doughnuts and cigars. (Oelwein Register)

1948.09.27 The Oelwein Register reported applications for cigarette licenses were approved for E. N. Bennett and J. Herman Pearl of Oran, and Don M. Bennett, Oran Township. Application for a Class “B” Beer permit was approved for Vincent Reith, Oran.

1948 John Bailey purchased the White Pearl Cafe from Mr. and Mrs. Herman Pearl. (See newspaper clipping)

1948.10.15 John W. and Anna Bailey were approved for a Class “B” beer permit and a cigarette permit. The Class “B” permit beer permit issued to J. Herman Pearl on Nov. 20,1947 and Pearl’s cigarette permit issued on July 12, 1948 were both order cancelled.(Oelwein Daily Register)

The Land Abstract for location of Bailey’s Cafe provides the following information:

  • July 1948 - Earl & Helen Lockwood sell to Anna and John Bailey (no mention of Herman Pearl)

  • July 1993 -John and Beverly Bailey sell to Kerry Higgins

  • August 2000 - Kerry Higgins Rushing and John Rushing sell to Shelley Johnson

  • Ownership was reverted back to Rushings

  • September 2003 - Kerry & John Rushing sell to Barb & Leon Treptow

  • December 2010 - Barb & Leon Treptow sell to Oran Tap & LLC - Thomas J. Pitz

  • January 2012 - Irene Pitz sells to Bears Den LLC (Last entry in abstract when viewed in March 2018)

1948.12.20 Coon Supper (Oelwein Register)

Bill Benzine, Helmuth Westendorf, Jack (John) Bailey
Circa 1950

Maxine Bierie Benzine, Bev McClain Bailey, Anna Buenzow Bailey
Circa 1955

2015 document report Michelle Harrington of Des Moines was d/b/a as The Bear's Den
November 2017 The building was purchased by Al & Rita Losh
2018 Al & Rita Losh sold building to Corinne & Jake Schares who re-opened as Oran Tap
July 2022 Corinne & Jake Schares announced the closing of Oran Tap.